Android Face Capture Releases


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Welcome to Face Capture for Android

Welcome to the Face Capture Quick Start Guide for Android! This document will cover how to get started by getting Aware’s demo program working on your devices.

Installer Contents

  • changes.txt - Change log for each release of Face Capture.
  • LICENSE - Aware license agreement.
  • bin - Directory containing pre-built Face Capture Demo APKs.
  • lib - Directory containing the Android AAR files to use in integration.
  • manuals - Directory containing Face Capture documentation.
  • src-demo - Directory containing Aware demo source code.

Installing the Demo Via Android Studio

To start looking at the Face Capture Demo, we recommend using Android Studio to compile and run the demo on your Android device. To begin using the demo:

  1. Start Android Studio.
  2. Open an Existing Project. Navigate to the src-demo/android/FaceCaptureAwareIdDemo directory in the installer and select it.
  3. Select your connected device in Android Studio and press Run.

Please see the manual (FaceCaptureAwareId_Android_SDK_Manual.pdf) for getting started with the API and understanding the demo code. Running the app on a device and with the Android emulator are supporte