
Capture Guidelines

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To ensure a successful and usable capture for enrollment and authentication there are a few key principles to keep in mind.

This section deals with steps you can take to increase the likelihood of a successful transaction.

Preparing Your Documents

Have all required documents ready before starting the enrollment process. Time to complete the process is limited once you begin.

Required Images

To enroll with document capture a user is required to capture:

    • A selfie
    • An image of a valid picture ID

A non-exhaustive list of valid IDs can be found below:

    • Driver's license
    • Voter's ID
    • Passport
    • National ID

Note: Credit cards are not accepted as valid identification.

Image Capture

Capture Location

Choose a quiet, private location for image capture, preferably at home. Avoid taking pictures in vehicles, crowded areas, or public places like restaurants, malls, parks, or social events.


Ensure the area is well-lit to produce clear and high-quality images.

Avoid Blurriness

Keep your capture device steady and ensure your face (for selfies) and the ID are still to avoid blurry images.

Selfie Background

Use a plain, uncluttered background for your selfie, ensuring you are the only person in the frame.

ID Background

Capture your ID against a contrasting background to improve visibility and clarity.

Avoid Glare

Disable the flash on your capture device when capturing the ID to prevent glare.

ID Margin

Ensure the ID occupies 70-80% of the image, with a nominal margin around the edges for clear and complete capture.

ID Orientation

Position the ID to face the camera directly, without tilting or angling. The ID should be straight and level with the capture device.

Avoid Occlusion

Ensure your hand or any other object does not cover any part of the ID.