
Face and Document Capture (Web)

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The sample WebApp demonstrates an example of how to use the Face and Document
WebSDK and integrate it with the AwareID backend. It includes code to initialize the camera
and set up an auto capture loop that will determine when a face is compliant for capture, as well
as capturing a document that contain’s the users face(e.g. driver’s licenses or passports). There
is also code that shows how to perform enrollment and authentication with the AwareID

File Information

You can download the WebApp on your deployed realm at the bottom of the page at:
Included in the zip:
● The WASM and js file needed to run the WebSDK located in the bin directory
● A sample html page that includes the WebApp
● A main.js file that contains the code for integrating with AwareID and the WASM
● A python script (start_http_server.py) to run the WebApp on your local machine.

What this document will cover

This document will provide you with a basic overview of how to install the WebApp on
your own page and how to integrate it with AwareID. To learn more about the actual
implementation of the WebSDK please see the documentation included in the /docs folder.

How to include the WebApp on your own page

You can easily include the WebApp on your own page by copying the divs located in the index.html sample app on lines 76-150 and 152-174. You will also need to make sure to add the following scripts to the head of your HTML document: As well as the libraries: jquery, es6-promise, bootstrap, jquery-validate, lodash, webrtcadapter, and keycloak-js-adapter, these are located in the /lib directory as well. For development, you must obtain a Regula Document Reader SDK Web Components license.