iOS Face Capture Releases


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Welcome to Face Capture for iOS

Welcome to the Face Capture Quick Start Guide for iOS! This document will cover how to get started by getting Aware’s demo program working on your devices.

Installer Contents

  • bin - Directory containing frameworks for building the demo
  • lib - Directory containing the Face Capture framework.
  • manuals - Directory containing documentation.
  • src-demo - Directory containing Aware demo source code.
  • Changes.txt - Change log for each release of AwareID FaceCapture SDK.
  • LICENSE - Aware license agreement.

Installing the Demo

To start looking at the Face Capture Demo, we recommend using XCode 13.0 or higher to compile and run the demo on your iOS device. To begin using the demo:

  1. Connect the testing device (such as iPhone or iPad) to your computer via cable.
  2. Open XCode.
  3. Select File -> Open… from the menu.
  4. Select the project located at src-demo/swift/FaceCaptureAwareIdDemo/FaceCaptureAwareIdDemo.xcodeproj and press Open.
  5. Select Product -> Scheme in the menu and select the scheme titled “FaceCaptureAwareIdDemo”.
  6. Select Product -> Destination -> “iOS Device” and select the target device.
  7. Update the code signing for the demo to match your development environment:
    1. Click on the project name “FaceCaptureAwareIdDemo” on the left to bring up the project settings.
    2. On the “General” tab, change the “Bundle Identifier” to a unique string (e.g. “”)
    3. On the “Signing & Capabilities” tab, update the signing information to match your development environment. For automatic signing, check “Automatically manage signing” and select your “Team” identifier from the dropdown.
  8. Select Product -> Run to start running the application
  9. Select Product -> Stop to stop running the application

Please note:

  • The iOS emulator is not available as an option for Face Capture.
  • A connected device must be used for debugging and testing.
  • A connected device must already be setup for testing via Xcode.

Please see the manual for getting started with the API and understanding the demo code.