Face Capture


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Enrollment Process Initiated from Client

This section provides details regarding Enrollment Process Initiated from Client.

Base URL


To perform a successful enroll using the Face SDK and AwareID there are two possible work flows. The first workflow is the most flexible and involves initiating the enrollment from the client. The second workflow option involves the use of a secondary application to initiate the enrollment and generate a QR code encoded with the session token necessary to proceed with the enrollment. The QR code is scanned from the client application and then proceeds with enrollment using the data encoded in the QR code.

To enroll by initiating from the client we have to follow 5 steps. These steps include:

  1. Retrieve an access token. This token allows communication between the client application and the AwareID servers.
  2. Get Public Key - Public Key for face data encryption
  3. Initiate an enrollment.
  4. Add device
  5. Enroll face

Enrollment Initiated from Client Step 1 - Get Access Token

Our first step is to retrieve an “access_token”. This token will be used in our next api call to retrieve an enrollment token to proceed with enrollment.

Get Access Token

   POST /auth/realms/{{customer_name}}-consumers/protocol/openid-connect/token
   Content-Type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',

   "client_id": client_id
   "client_secret": client_secret
   "scope": openid
   "grant_type" : client_credentials


   This is the only call whose content type of this call is “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”

Response - openid-connect

Response - openid-connect

       "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJCY2IxNXZJQkZsY2JYazVmQUdJZFZXV2pTUEtTaWpsazNydmFwMHp0ekN3In0.eyJleHAiOjE2NzM5OTExMjksImlhdCI6MTY3Mzk5MDgyOSwianRpIjoiN2MzYmY1MmItNjdlMC00ODNlLWFhZjAtYjlkNWJhODE3ZWJiIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9hd2FyZWlkLWRldi5hd2FyZS1hcGlzLmNvbS9hdXRoL3JlYWxtcy9hbmRyYWUtY29uc3VtZXJzIiwic3ViIjoiOTU3ZWMyYmYtZTczOS00YjFjLWEyN2QtMTczMjQzMDIyYTE5IiwidHlwIjoiQmVhcmVyIiwiYXpwIjoiYmltYWFzLWIyYyIsImFjciI6IjEiLCJzY29wZSI6Im9wZW5pZCIsImNsaWVudElkIjoiYmltYWFzLWIyYyIsImNsaWVudEhvc3QiOiIzOC4xNDAuNTkuMjI2IiwiY2xpZW50QWRkcmVzcyI6IjM4LjE0MC41OS4yMjYifQ.OzggQ--Gl4w3NWZPg1BukkEg0fmsSyGgN-ag8eW0FARWl0Ic5fkrnrEdnIgsq5Molq0R52oe4Hy-8Tp4cOn9iCD51kPCPfTt15zVBIAYOvb5M5XZ0uPTygh02KjuFqsxIhbhH8CCUjHkpu3OhoWByc8bC8c9D_cFp3BFE-XIhNPaPxXdTLZOcJOqpdSVxsgxB66-xukI7AA8PWt10huO47l6TSBSnJIjUxNbEqR48ILfnkYY2bmyfoo-laKDv9XSSZ8hXU9sDkiGfpXOl112_f3L1sc6n1-UbRTJGFMd4fgntuanwEvN68TsyS5pz0izGlW-1T3fFJ3D2pGPefsWNA",
       "expires_in": 300,
       "refresh_expires_in": 0,
       "token_type": "Bearer",
       "id_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJCY2IxNXZJQkZsY2JYazVmQUdJZFZXV2pTUEtTaWpsazNydmFwMHp0ekN3In0.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.MOgJ3giF0ikQnUAOBgK6eHpC0Tz3pCjhTX4IjHSjh3kzxx0KCLiWd494Fl3JSHiyvnNP7Ty1SXl4Bhq19f7y_lpGp4yLkbV9I1xsfC7m2D-EIf73D1LEluf1y97ISbh8668VqnGRG8U1FtXuwQGPZb7cgMiTbprECwLFj44_vM2qmLxFpOkOuVaqPmpgjt6MAmUbcWV8GDMAdxVnlZDZuzFkwOlb6S_WypNSYKHA6TFIe_FsA2EoxMu_9MAP3OLX7LIwX3jYIsT4z-TnUmyKC5RFzx6oc9D9Fr2eSTRBxC6QKGJrFAPt40p9_U3YFFi6VpzaGK9YQvCvdw70CVBe5Q",
       "not-before-policy": 0,
       "scope": "openid"

Enrollment Initiated from Client Step 2 - Get Public Key - Public Key for face data encryption

For security purposes the face data associated with the is encrypted for transmission to the AwareID servers. This encryption is done using a public key given by the server. To retrieve that public key the below call is made:

Get Public Key

   GET /getPublicKey
   "Authorization":"Bearer accessToken"
   "apikey": apiKey

Response - Get Public Key


   -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
    //Public key example
     -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Enrollment Initiated from Client Step 3 - Initiate An Enrollment

With the method type we start onboarding with accessToken, sessionToken, apikey

Initiate An Enrollment

   POST /onboarding/enrollment/enroll
   Authorization: 'Bearer AccessToken'
   apikey: 'apikey'

       "username":  "username",
       "firstName": "first name", //optional
       "lastName": "last name" //optional
       "email": "user email",
       "phoneNumber": "user phonenumber"

Response - Initiate An Enrollment

Response - Initiate An Enrollment

       "enrollmentToken": "enrollmentToken",
       "userExistsAlready": false,
       "requiredChecks": [

Enrollment Initiated from Client Step 4 - Add Device

The device ID is checked when performing an authentication to confirm the device enrolled is the same as the device attempting.

Device Id

   This can be retrieved in Android by using the following code
   Settings.Secure.getString(getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID);

Add Device

   POST /onboarding/enrollment/adddevice
   Authorization: 'Bearer AccessToken'
   apikey: 'apikey'

       "enrollmentToken": "enrollmentToken",
       "deviceId": "deviceID"

Response - Add Device

Response - Add Device

       "enrollmentStatus": 1,
       "registrationCode": ""

From here the response will include a registration code and enrollment status.

There are 3 enrollment statuses:

Enrollment Statuses

   0 = Enrollment Failed
   1 = Enrollment Pending
   2 = Enrollment Complete

Enrollment Initiated from Client Step 5 - Add face sample and check if sample belongs to a live person.

The add face API call requires the json package generated by the Face SDK.

Add Face Sample

   POST /onboarding/enrollment/addFace
   Authorization: 'Bearer AccessToken'
   apikey: 'apikey'

       "enrollmentToken": "enrollmentToken",
            "video": {
            "workflow_data": {
               "workflow": "hotel2",
               "rotation": 0,
               "frames": [
                   "data":"face package data generated by face sdk",
                   "data":"face package data generated by face sdk",
                   "data":"face package data generated by face sdk"
           "meta_data": {
               "client_device_brand": "Unknown",
               "username": "username",
               "client_version": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36 Edg/87.0.664.66"
           "client_version": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36 Edg/87.0.664.66"

Response - Add Face Sample

The response from the enrollment call returns:

  • Liveness Result
    • This is a boolean value.
    • returns true if the sample is assessed to be a live sample
    • returns false is the sample is assessed to not be live
  • Enrollment Status
    • 0 = failed
    • 1 = pending
    • 2 = success
  • Registration Code
    • this code is used in the re-enrollment process
  • Liveness Result
    • Broken down into several fields giving feedback on the liveness score

Liveness Result

      "livenessResult": true,
      "enrollmentStatus": 2,
      "registrationCode": "LLXL2N",
      "livenessResults": {
          "video": {
              "liveness_result": {
                  "decision": "LIVE",
                  "feedback": [],
                  "score_frr": 1.1757098732441127

Enrollment Process Initiated Through QR Code

To enroll by inititating through a QR code scan we first have to take in the enrollment details like first name, last name, email address and phone number and make a call to generate the QR code from a secondary application. In our demo we use a web app for this process.

Generate QR Code

Web Portal

To start an enrollment using the QR code method we must first generate the QR code to be consumed by the client application (in our example we use a web app). This web application uses a UI to allow an enduser to register using a username and email address. Then uses these pieces of information in the API Call for /triggerEnroll.

Base URL


Trigger Enroll

We initiate an enrollment by calling the /triggerEnroll endpoint with our received access token

  • username - required
  • email - required
  • notifyOptions - optional

Trigger Enroll

   POST baseUrl + /b2c/proxy/triggerEnroll
   Content-Type: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',

   { "username": "[email protected]",
       "email": "[email protected]",
       "notifyOptions": {
           "notifyByEmail": false

Response - Trigger Enroll

       status : "SUCCESS"
       sessionCallbackURL : "https://awareid-dev.aware-apis.com/onboarding?data=jgTW40dmoG6Hp_d6Rg7YaZ97vfGSlV5BcBJvLvqXVmhoQ2Hg2DcC2Kvr9AkTZ38ZkyIfiSj80QFxOWs1YeckYsp3D0D9vS46wppl1Zdt-tpiAdzlvBKA2DBfcj7rf0VePWUn1vKdIPgEoWAulqRxZ_mNakFB7FijLg0QJ8kYsB6w0Nk1A4m9QtLGIdHcuGn9XJnxooQHyr2yhtUsgfOo2FrRXYmFIF7ZNwxYd56miFCs-yuD6eZZcvZ1M01Wje7ji0NYUWVpdes-DA_P0cKgsLPX5sV7SyPSlf9kmoCQz7Ag20kAKkOf-LFFKQmgnJ3362nXIEovxS8vp4BCClu7vIfEVCE2s1zS7zNwrDuRfFdViVAQMMxDMe77LnbKbfvLqUhiv--wPFyV9Iier1EDSL9y5kikOw_PGSyuRzvbQKuoNdGj-IqVZYZ_5QivOFqq_OEt8jaX1zZxAiQ8uXRt3g"
       qrcodeImage : "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"
       sessionToken : "aa73e547-0f1b-4235-a7b0-dd52fa4ab774"
       errorSummary : null

Our response for trigger enroll includes five pieces of information with the most relevant piece being the base64 encoded string of the QR that is used to be displayed to the user to continue the enrollment on their device.

With our QR code generated in our web application we then have to proceed with scanning the QR code and completing the enrollment. The following steps apply to enrolling a user from the client side application using a QR code. These steps include:

  1. Scan QR code and decrypt data.
  2. Get Public Key - Public Key for face data encryption
  3. Initiate an enrollment.
  4. Add device
  5. Enroll face

The QR Code will return a url with an encrypted data parameter named “data”.

This data has to be decrypted using the available public key. Once decoded 3 pieces of information are provided separated by “&”.

  1. Host url
  1. This URL is where all subsequent api calls will be made through
  1. The API Key
  1. This API Key is used in the header of api calls
  2. The key value pair in the header is as follows:


  1. Session Token
  1. The session token is used to validate the session.

Enrollment Using QR Code Step 1 - Validate Session Token

The first api call necessary to enroll a user is /tokenVerify/validateSession.

Validate Session

   POST /tokenVerify/validateSession
   "Content-Type": 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
   "apikey": apiKey



   This is the only call whose content type of this call is “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”

Response - Validate Session Token

Response - Validate Session Token

       "accessToken": "accessToken",
       "methodType": "enroll",
       "customerName": "customerName",
       "customerLogo": "",
       "userName": "customerUsername",
       "email": "customerEmail"

Enrollment Using QR Code Step 2 - Get Public Key - Public Key for face data encryption

For security purposes the face data associated with the is encrypted for transmission to the AwareID servers. This encryption is done using a public key given by the server. To retrieve that public key the below call is made:

Get Public Key

   GET /getPublicKey
   "Authorization":"Bearer accessToken"
   "apikey": apiKey

Response - Get Public Key


   -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
    //Public key example
     -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Enrollment Using QR Code Step 3 - Initiate An Enrollment

With the method type we start onboarding with accessToken, sessionToken, apikey

Initiate An Enrollment

   POST /onboarding/enrollment/enroll
   Authorization: 'Bearer AccessToken'
   apikey: 'apikey'

       "username":  "username",
       "firstName": "first name", //optional
       "lastName": "last name" //optional
       "email": "user email",
       "phoneNumber": "user phonenumber"

Response - Initiate An Enrollment

Response - Initiate An Enrollment

       "enrollmentToken": "enrollmentToken",
       "userExistsAlready": false,
       "requiredChecks": [

Enrollment Using QR Code Step 4 - Add Device

The device ID is checked when performing an authentication to confirm the device enrolled is the same as the device attempting.

Device Id

   This can be retrieved in Android by using the following code
   Settings.Secure.getString(getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID);

Add Device

   POST /onboarding/enrollment/adddevice
   Authorization: 'Bearer AccessToken'
   apikey: 'apikey'

       "enrollmentToken": "enrollmentToken",
       "deviceId": "deviceID"

Response - Add Device

Response - Add device

       "enrollmentStatus": 1,
       "registrationCode": ""

From here the response will include a registration code and enrollment status.

There are 3 enrollment statuses:

Enrollment Statuses

   0 = Enrollment Failed
   1 = Enrollment Pending
   2 = Enrollment Complete

Enrollment Using QR Code Step 5 - Add face sample and check if sample belongs to a live person.

The add face API call requires the json package generated by the Face SDK.

Add Face Sample

   POST /onboarding/enrollment/addFace
   Authorization: 'Bearer AccessToken'
   apikey: 'apikey'

       "enrollmentToken": "enrollmentToken",
            "video": {
            "workflow_data": {
               "workflow": "hotel2",
               "rotation": 0,
               "frames": [
                   "data":"face package data generated by face sdk",
                   "data":"face package data generated by face sdk",
                   "data":"face package data generated by face sdk"
           "meta_data": {
               "client_device_brand": "Unknown",
               "username": "username",
               "client_version": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36 Edg/87.0.664.66"
           "client_version": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36 Edg/87.0.664.66"

Response - Add Face Sample

The response from the enrollment call returns:

  • Liveness Result
    • This is a boolean value.
    • returns true if the sample is assessed to be a live sample
    • returns false is the sample is assessed to not be live
  • Enrollment Status
    • 0 = failed
    • 1 = pending
    • 2 = success
  • Registration Code
    • this code is used in the re-enrollment process
  • Liveness Result
    • Broken down into several fields giving feedback on the liveness score

Liveness Result

      "livenessResult": true,
      "enrollmentStatus": 2,
      "registrationCode": "LLXL2N",
      "livenessResults": {
          "video": {
              "liveness_result": {
                  "decision": "LIVE",
                  "feedback": [],
                  "score_frr": 1.1757098732441127

Authentication Workflow

Like the enrollment process we can also complete an authentication in two variations. The first is initiating the authentication from the client side and the second involves using a QR code scan to initiate the authencation process and using the client application to complete it. Below we explain how to achieve both options beginning with the Client Initiated Authentication

Client Initiated Authentication

A client initiated authentication is performed in 3 steps:

  1. Initiate authentication
  2. Verify device
  3. Verify face

Base URL

Base URL


Authentication Initiated from Client Step 1 - Initiate Authentication

Initiate Authentication

   POST /onboarding/authentication/authenticate
   Authorization: 'Bearer AccessToken'
   apikey: 'apikey'

       "registrationCode": "registrationToken",
       "deviceId": "deviceID"

Response - Initiate Authentication

Response - Initiate Authentication

       "authToken": "b8bf6f22-6f93-4bcb-a5b6-871b689c6750",
       "requiredChecks": [

Authentication Initiated from Client Step 2 - Verify Device

Verify Device

   POST /onboarding/authentication/verifyDevice
   Authorization: 'Bearer AccessToken'
   apikey: 'apikey'

       "authToken": "authToken",
       "signature": "signature",
       "deviceId": "deviceID"

Response - Verify Device

*Response - Verify Device *

       "message": "Device verified.",
       "authStatus": 1

Authentication Initiated from Client Step 3 - Verify Face

Verify Face

   POST /onboarding/authentication/verifyFace
       "authToken": "{{atoken}}",
            "video": {
           "workflow_data": {
               "workflow": "hotel2",
               "rotation": 0,
               "frames": [
                       "data": "",
                       "data": "",
                       "data": "",
                       "tags": [],
                       "timestamp": 1609002526076.1338
           "meta_data": {
               "client_device_brand": "Unknown",
               "username": "Xiao",
               "client_version": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36 Edg/87.0.664.66"
           "client_version": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36 Edg/87.0.664.66"

Response - Verify Face

Response - Verify Face

       "livenessResult": true,
       "matchResult": true,
       "matchScore": 53.154655,
       "authStatus": 2,
       "faceLivenessResults": {
           "video": {
               "liveness_result": {
                   "decision": "LIVE",
                   "feedback": [],
                   "score_frr": 1.1757098732441127
       "faceMatchResults": {
           "statusMessages": [],
           "verifyResult": true,
           "matchScore": 53.154655,
           "biometricMatchedCount": 1,
           "biometricsOnServer": "",
           "biometricMatchResultList": [
                   "verifyResult": true,
                   "modality": "FACE",
                   "fmrScore": 53.154655,
                   "biometricMatchedCount": 1,
                   "biometricsOnServer": "Front",
                   "matchResultReference": null
           "matchingMinutia": null

Authentication Using QR Code

To authenticate by inititating through a QR code scan we first have to take in the authenticate details like first name, last name, email address and phone number and make a call to generate the QR code from a secondary application. In our demo we use a web app for this process.

Generate QR Code

Web Portal

To start an authentication using the QR code method we must first generate the QR code to be consumed by the client application (in our example we use a web app). This web application uses a UI to allow an enduser to register using a username and email address. Then uses these pieces of information in the API Call for /triggerAuthenticate .

Base URL


Trigger Authenticate

We initiate an authenticate by calling the /triggerAuthenticate endpoint with our received access token

  • username - required
  • notifyOptions - optional

Trigger Authenticate

   POST baseUrl + /b2c/proxy/triggerAuthenticate
   Content-Type: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',

   { "username": "[email protected]",
       "notifyOptions": {
           "notifyByPush": true

Response - Trigger Authenticate

       status : "SUCCESS"
       sessionCallbackURL : "https://awareid-dev.aware-apis.com/onboarding?data=jgTW40dmoG6Hp_d6Rg7YaZ97vfGSlV5BcBJvLvqXVmhoQ2Hg2DcC2Kvr9AkTZ38ZkyIfiSj80QFxOWs1YeckYsp3D0D9vS46wppl1Zdt-tpiAdzlvBKA2DBfcj7rf0VePWUn1vKdIPgEoWAulqRxZ_mNakFB7FijLg0QJ8kYsB6w0Nk1A4m9QtLGIdHcuGn9XJnxooQHyr2yhtUsgfOo2FrRXYmFIF7ZNwxYd56miFCs-yuD6eZZcvZ1M01Wje7ji0NYUWVpdes-DA_P0cKgsLPX5sV7SyPSlf9kmoCQz7Ag20kAKkOf-LFFKQmgnJ3362nXIEovxS8vp4BCClu7vIfEVCE2s1zS7zNwrDuRfFdViVAQMMxDMe77LnbKbfvLqUhiv--wPFyV9Iier1EDSL9y5kikOw_PGSyuRzvbQKuoNdGj-IqVZYZ_5QivOFqq_OEt8jaX1zZxAiQ8uXRt3g"
       qrcodeImage : "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"
       sessionToken : "aa73e547-0f1b-4235-a7b0-dd52fa4ab774"
       errorSummary : null

Our response for trigger authenticate includes five pieces of information with the most relevant piece being the base64 encoded string of the QR that is used to be displayed to the user to continue the authentication on their device.

With our QR code generated in our web application we then have to proceed with scanning the QR code and completing the authentication. The authentication workflow involves 4 steps:

  1. Scan QR code and decrypt data.
  2. Initiate authentication
  3. Verify device
  4. Verify face

The QR Code will return a url with an encrypted data parameter named “data”.

This data has to be decrypted using the available public key. Once decoded 3 pieces of information are provided separated by “&”.

  1. Host url
  1. This URL is where all subsequent api calls will be made through
  1. The API Key
  1. This API Key is used in the header of api calls
  2. The key value pair in the header is as follows:


  1. Session Token
  1. The session token is used to validate the session.

Authentication Using QR Code Step 1 - Validate Session Token

The first api call necessary to authenticate a user is /tokenVerify/validateSession.

Validate Session

   POST /tokenVerify/validateSession
   "Content-Type": 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
   "apikey": apiKey



   This is the only call whose content type of this call is “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”

Response - Validate Session Token

Response - Validate Session Token

       "accessToken": "accessToken",
       "methodType": "authenticate",
       "customerName": "customerName",
       "customerLogo": "",
       "userName": "customerUsername",
       "email": "customerEmail"

Authentication Using QR CodeStep 2 - Initiate Authentication

Initiate Authentication

   POST /authenticate
   Authorization: 'Bearer AccessToken'
   apikey: 'apikey'

       "registrationCode": "registrationToken",
       "deviceId": "deviceID"

Response - Initiate Authentication

Response - Initiate Authentication

       "authToken": "b8bf6f22-6f93-4bcb-a5b6-871b689c6750",
       "requiredChecks": [

Authentication Using QR Code Step 3 - Verify Device

Verify Device

   POST /verifyDevice
   Authorization: 'Bearer AccessToken'
   apikey: 'apikey'

       "authToken": "authToken",
       "signature": "signature",
       "deviceId": "deviceID"

Response - Verify Device

*Response - Verify Device *

       "message": "Device verified.",
       "authStatus": 1

Authentication Using QR Code Step 4 - Verify Face

Verify Face

   POST /verifyFace
       "authToken": "{{atoken}}",
            "video": {
           "workflow_data": {
               "workflow": "hotel2",
               "rotation": 0,
               "frames": [
                       "data": "",
                       "data": "",
                       "data": "",
                       "tags": [],
                       "timestamp": 1609002526076.1338
           "meta_data": {
               "client_device_brand": "Unknown",
               "username": "Xiao",
               "client_version": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36 Edg/87.0.664.66"
           "client_version": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36 Edg/87.0.664.66"

Response - Verify Face

Response - Verify Face

       "livenessResult": true,
       "matchResult": true,
       "matchScore": 53.154655,
       "authStatus": 2,
       "faceLivenessResults": {
           "video": {
               "liveness_result": {
                   "decision": "LIVE",
                   "feedback": [],
                   "score_frr": 1.1757098732441127
       "faceMatchResults": {
           "statusMessages": [],
           "verifyResult": true,
           "matchScore": 53.154655,
           "biometricMatchedCount": 1,
           "biometricsOnServer": "",
           "biometricMatchResultList": [
                   "verifyResult": true,
                   "modality": "FACE",
                   "fmrScore": 53.154655,
                   "biometricMatchedCount": 1,
                   "biometricsOnServer": "Front",
                   "matchResultReference": null
           "matchingMinutia": null

Software Acknowledgments

Aware FaceCaptureAwareId libraries incorporate third-party software. See the LICENSE file installed with the FaceCaptureAwareId software for the full license agreement.