Voice Capture (iOS)

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The Voice Capture SDK is the client-side library to be used with the Voice Liveness Server product for determining the liveness of a subject. It is used to capture voice images and package them according to the Voice Liveness Server specifications. The Voice Liveness Server will make a determination for whether or not the subject is live. The library does not directly communicate with any servers; it provides a package for the application to deliver to the Voice Liveness Server. It is up to the application developer to implement any server communication and security.

Facial images are captured based on the selected capture profile. Capture profiles specify the criteria the subject must meet in order to successfully capture images and create a server package. Profiles are provided with this installer to be used as a base for capturing voices that are optimized for liveness processing on the back end. Profiles can be customized to meet any additional requirements for capture.

Design Features

  • Light-weight on-device size
  • Easy to integrate API
  • No direct UI activity to allow for a fully customizable user experience
  • Handles operation of device hardware
  • Optimized data collection for Knomi back-end analysis
  • No direct server interaction. Applications have full control over when and how they interact with the back-end services.


  • iOS 13.0 and higher

System Requirements

  • iOS 13 or higher
  • Users must grant access to MICROPHONE permissions
  • Users must grant access to INTERNET access permissions

iOS Integration


The Voice Capture SDK comes with a Swift interface for iOS integration. This chapter will outline the requirements for iOS integration, how to operate the included developer demo, and which parts of the demo source code correspond to the integration tasks outlined in the Application Design chapter.

Integration Requirements

The Voice Capture AwareId SDK requires Internet and microphone permissions.

iOS Voice Capture

This section provides details regarding the Voice Capture Aware Id API and how it is used to implement an application.

Add Needed Permissions

Permission for microphone access and internet access should be requested in the info.plist NSMicrophoneUsage : Some string explaining why you need to record audio

Info Plist

iOS Voice Capture SDK

Create a Voice Capture Library

The first step is to create a library object. This is done by creating a VoiceCapture object.

Create Voice Capture Object

   // Create a voice capture object.
   var voiceCapture : VoiceCapture!

   do {
       voiceCapture = try VoiceCapture()
   catch let err {
       print("Error: " + err.localizedDescription)

Register a Capture Session Status Callback

VoiceCapture library is designed around the concept of a capture session. This is a session in which voice samples are collected. During the collection process the application needs to listen for status updates from VoiceCapture via a CaptureSessionStatus callback. The application needs to register a class as the listener for this callback. Setting the status callback is done using the API call setCaptureSessionStatusCallback.

Register Capture Session Status Callback

   var voiceCapture : VoiceCapture!    // created by an earlier call to VoiceCapture()
   var captureSessionStatusCallback : VoiceCapture.CaptureSessionStatusCallback    // defined below

   do {
       try voiceCapture.setCaptureSessionStatusCallback(captureSessionStatusCallback: captureSessionStatusCallback)
   catch let err {
       print("Error: " + err.localizedDescription)

Create a Workflow Object

A workflow object controls the parameters for a capture session.

Create a Workflow Object

   var voiceCapture : VoiceCapture!    // created by an earlier call to VoiceCapture()
   var workflow : Workflow!

   do {
       try workflow = voiceCapture.workflowCreate(name: VoiceCapture.ALFA2)
   catch let err {
       print("Error: " + err.localizedDescription)

Adjust Workflow Settings

Change any settings for the workflow object before starting a capture session.

Adjust Workflow Settings

   var voiceCapture : VoiceCapture!    // created by an earlier call to VoiceCapture()
   var workflow : Workflow!            // Created by an earlier call to workflowCreate()

   do {
       try workflow.setPropertyString(property: .USERNAME, value: "user_name");
       try workflow.setPropertyDouble(property: .CAPTURE_TIMEOUT, value: 8.0);
       try workflow.setPropertyDouble(property: .MINIMUM_RECORDING_LENGTH, value: 1.0);
       try workflow.setPropertyBool(property: .CAPTURE_ON_DEVICE, value: false);

       if let microphones = try? voiceCapture.getMicrophoneList() {
           try workflow.setPropertyString(property: .MICROPHONE, value: microphones[0])
  catch let err {
       print("Error: " + err.localizedDescription)

Begin a Capture Session

Once the workflow object has been created and any necessary properties set, it is used to start the capture session. During the capture session the application will receive status messages via the CaptureSessionStatusCallback as described above.

Begin a Capture Session

   var voiceCapture : VoiceCapture!    // created by an earlier call to VoiceCapture()
   var workflow : Workflow!            // Created by an earlier call to workflowCreate()

   do {
       try voiceCapture.startCaptureSession(workflow: workflow)
   catch let err {
       print("Error: " + err.localizedDescription)

Handle Capture Session Status

Each of the statuses sent communicated via the CaptureSessionStatusCallback should be handled by the application. The most important statuses to receive are those related to the end of the capture session as they indicate when the application should move forwards.

Capture Session Status

   var captureSessionStatusCallback : VoiceCapture.CaptureSessionStatusCallback

   captureSessionStatusCallback = { (status: VoiceCapture.CaptureSessionStatus) -> Void in
       print( "[CVC | captureSessionStatusCallback] capture status is now \(status)")

      // ... handle callback here

Capture Session Completion - Retrieve JSON

After receiving the completed message the application can get the resulting JSON by calling getServerPackage. The resulting JSON can be sent to the server to obtain a liveness result.

Get Server Package

   var voiceCapture : VoiceCapture!    // created by an earlier call to VoiceCapture()
   var workflow : Workflow!            // Created by an earlier call to workflowCreate()

   var serverPackage : String?

   do {
       serverPackage = try voiceCapture.getServerPackage(workflow: workflow)
   catch let err {
       print("Error: " + err.localizedDescription)

Capture Session Completion - Retrieve Voice Samples

If the capture on device setting was set to true, the getCapturedVoiceRecording function can be called to get retrieve the byte data representing the collected voice samples.

Select a camera

   var voiceCapture : VoiceCapture!    // created by an earlier call to VoiceCapture()
   var workflow : Workflow!            // Created by an earlier call to workflowCreate()

   var voiceRecording : [UInt8]?

   do {
       voiceRecording = try voiceCapture.getCapturedVoiceRecording(workflow: workflow)
   catch let err {
       print("Error: " + err.localizedDescription)

iOS Complete example


   //  CaptureViewController.swift
   //  Copyright © 2023 Aware Inc. All rights reserved.

   import UIKit
   import SwiftUI
   import AVFAudio
   import AVFoundation

   public class VoiceLivenessAppUIClientServerViewController: UIViewController {

       public override func viewDidLoad() {
           print("[CVC] viewDidLoad")
           if AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: ==  AVAuthorizationStatus.denied || AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: ==  AVAuthorizationStatus.notDetermined {
               AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: .audio) { success in
                   if success {
                       print("Permission granted, starts recording")

                   } else {
                       print("Permission denied")
                       self.returnToMainViewController(message: "return to home page")
           self.definesPresentationContext = true
           // Setup voice capture

       public override func viewWillAppear( _ animated: Bool ) {
           if AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: ==  AVAuthorizationStatus.denied {
           if (!enrollMode) {
               authCancelButton.setTitle(Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: "CANCEL", value: "Cancel", table: "Localizable"), for: .normal)
               authInstructionLabel.text = Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: "AUTH INSTRUCTION", value: "Please speak the following phrase:", table: "Localizable")
               authAppBarTitle.text = Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: "AUTH APP BAR TITLE", value: "Authenticate", table: "Localizable")
               self.statusLabel.isHidden = true
           else {
               enrollCancelBtn.setTitle(Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: "CANCEL", value: "Cancel", table: "Localizable"), for: .normal)
               instructionsLabel.text = Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: "INSTRUCTIONS LABEL", value: "Repeat the phrase below:", table: "Localizable")
               appBarTitle.text = Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: "APP BAR TITLE", value: "Enroll new account", table: "Localizable")
               self.enrollStatusLabel.isHidden = true
           super.viewWillAppear( animated )

           do {
               let errorURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: Bundle.main.path(forResource: "ErrorSound", ofType: "wav")!)
               let validationURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: Bundle.main.path(forResource: "ValidationSound", ofType: "wav")!)
               let captureURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: Bundle.main.path(forResource: "CaptureSound", ofType: "wav")!)
               errorSound = try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: errorURL)
               validateSound = try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: validationURL)
               captureSound = try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: captureURL)
           } catch {
               print("Could not load sounds.")
           print("[CVC] viewWillAppear | animated: \( animated )")

       public override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool ) {
           super.viewDidAppear( animated )
           print("[CVC] viewDidAppear | animated: \( animated )")

       public override func viewWillDisappear( _ animated: Bool ) {
           super.viewWillDisappear( animated )
           print("[CVC] viewWillDisappear | animated: \( animated )")
           // Cleanup voice capture
           if self.workflow != nil {
           self.timer = nil

       public override func viewDidDisappear( _ animated: Bool) {
           super.viewDidDisappear( animated )
           print("[CVC] viewDidDisappear | animated: \( animated )")

       // MARK: Application State Methods
       @objc func enterForeground(_ notification: Notification) {
           print("[CVC] enterForeground")

       @objc func enterBackground(_ notification: Notification) {
           print("[CVC] enterBackground")

       // enrollment
       public func setBiMaas(addVoiceUrl: String, apiKey: String, enrollmentToken: String, jwt: String) {
           self.biMaasAddVoiceUrl = addVoiceUrl
           self.biMaasApiKey = apiKey
           self.biMaasEnrollmentToken = enrollmentToken
           self.biMaasJwt = jwt
           setOnBoardingType(onBoardingType: .ENROLLMENT)
       // verification
       public func setBiMaas(verifyVoiceUrl: String, apiKey: String, verifyAuthToken: String, jwt: String) {
           self.biMaasVerifyVoiceUrl = verifyVoiceUrl
           self.biMaasApiKey = apiKey
           self.biMaasVerifyAuthToken = verifyAuthToken
           self.biMaasJwt = jwt
           setOnBoardingType(onBoardingType: .VERIFICATION)
       // re-enrollment
       public func setBiMaas(reEnrollmentVerifyVoiceUrl: String, apiKey: String, reEnrollmentToken: String, jwt: String) {
           self.biMaasReEnrollmentVerifyVoiceUrl = reEnrollmentVerifyVoiceUrl
           self.biMaasApiKey = apiKey
           self.biMaasReEnrollmentToken = reEnrollmentToken
           self.biMaasJwt = jwt
           setOnBoardingType(onBoardingType: .REENROLLMENT)

       func setOnBoardingType(onBoardingType: OnBoardingType) {
           self.isEnroll = false
           self.isVerify = false
           self.isReEnroll = false
           switch onBoardingType {
           case .ENROLLMENT:
               self.isEnroll = true
           case .VERIFICATION:
               self.isVerify = true
           case .REENROLLMENT:
               self.isReEnroll = true

       public func setCaptureSettings(settings: VoiceCaptureSettings) {
           self.captureSettings = settings

       // MARK: Callback Handler Methods
       private func captureSessionStatusCallback(captureStatus: VoiceCapture.CaptureSessionStatus) {
           print("[CVC] captureSessionStatusCallback | captureStatus: \(captureStatus)")

           // Check capture status
           if (self.currentStatus != captureStatus) {
               switch (captureStatus)
               case .CAPTURING:
               case .POST_CAPTURE_PROCESSING:
               case .COMPLETED:
               case .ABORTED:
               self.currentStatus = captureStatus

       private func handleCaptureSessionCapturing() {
           print("[CVC] handleCaptureSessionCapturing")

           // Set UI to capturing

       private func handleCaptureSessionPostCaptureProcessing() {
           print("[CVC] handleCaptureSessionPostCaptureProcessing")

           // Set UI to not capturing

       private func handleCaptureSessionCompleted() {
           print("[CVC] handleCaptureSessionCompleted")
           self.setModeNotCapturing(cancel: true)

           do {
               self.setStatusViewText("Retrieving capture data")
               let serverPackage = try self.voiceCapture.getServerPackage(workflow: self.workflow!)

               var dict = serverPackage.convertToDictionary()! as [String : Any]

               self.voiceSamples?.append(((dict["voice"]! as! [String: Any])["voiceSamples"]! as! [Any])[0])

               // For enroll, record limit set to 3 and send package to server
               if (enrollMode) {
                   if self.voiceSamples!.count <= self.recordLimit {
                   if self.voiceSamples!.count < self.recordLimit &&  self.voiceSamples!.count != 4{
                       self.recordStep += 1
                   else {
                       if var voice = (dict["voice"] as! [String: Any]?) {
                           voice.updateValue(self.voiceSamples!, forKey: "voiceSamples")
                           dict.updateValue(voice, forKey: "voice")

                       self.sendServerPackage(serverPackage: dict)
               // For auth, record only once, no circleProgressView
               else {
                   if var voice = (dict["voice"] as! [String: Any]?) {
                       voice.updateValue(self.voiceSamples!, forKey: "voiceSamples")
                       dict.updateValue(voice, forKey: "voice")
                   self.sendServerPackage(serverPackage: dict)
           catch let err {
               let message = err.localizedDescription
               print("Error: " + message)
               self.reportCaptureError(message: message)

       private func handleCaptureSessionAborted() {
           print("[CVC] handleCaptureSessionAborted")
           self.setModeNotCapturing(cancel: true)
               self.reportCaptureFailed(reason: "VoiceLiveness Capture Aborted")

       // MARK: Capture Methods
       private func setupVoiceCapture() {

           // Already Authorized
           print("[CVC] setupVoiceCapture")

           self.voiceSamples = []

           if isEnroll != nil, isEnroll! {
               self.recordLimit = 3

           do {
               if (self.voiceCapture == nil) {
                   try self.voiceCapture = VoiceCapture()

               // Display version
               let voiceSdkVersion = try VoiceCapture.getVersionString()
               print("Voice SDK version: \(voiceSdkVersion)")

               try self.workflow = self.voiceCapture.workflowCreate(name: (self.captureSettings?.workflow)!)

               // Set callback
               try self.voiceCapture.setCaptureSessionStatusCallback(captureSessionStatusCallback: self.captureSessionStatusCallback)

               // Set username
               try self.workflow?.setPropertyString(property: .USERNAME, value: self.captureSettings?.username ?? "")

               // Set capture timeout
               // try self.workflow?.setPropertyDouble(property: .CAPTURE_TIMEOUT, value: (self.captureSettings?.captureTimeout)!)

               // Set min capture time
               try self.workflow?.setPropertyDouble(property: .MINIMUM_RECORDING_LENGTH, value: (self.captureSettings?.minRecordLength)!)

               // Set capture on device
               try self.workflow?.setPropertyBool(property: .CAPTURE_ON_DEVICE, value: self.captureSettings?.captureOnDevice ?? true)

               // Set microphone
               try self.workflow?.setPropertyString(property: .MICROPHONE, value: "iPhone Microphone")

               self.voiceRecordTimeConstant = (self.captureSettings?.captureTimeout)!
               self.timerCounter = self.voiceRecordTimeConstant
           catch let err as VoiceCaptureErrorInfo.ErrorCode {
               print("VoiceCaptureException: " + err.description)
               self.reportCaptureError(message: err.description)
           catch let err {
               print("Error: " + err.localizedDescription)

       private func startCaptureSession() {
           do {
               // Set workflow
               if let workflowObj = self.workflow {
                   try self.voiceCapture.startCaptureSession(workflow: workflowObj)
           catch let err as VoiceCaptureErrorInfo.ErrorCode {
               print("VoiceCaptureException: " + err.description)
               self.reportCaptureError(message: err.description)
           catch let err {
               print("Error: " + err.localizedDescription)

       public func stopVoiceCapture() {
           print("[CVC] stopVoiceCapture")
           // Stop capture session
           do {
               try self.voiceCapture.stopCaptureSession()
           catch let err {
               print("Error: " + err.localizedDescription )

       // MARK: Server Package Methods
       private func sendServerPackage(serverPackage: [String: Any]) {
           print("[CVC] sendServerPackage | serverPackage: \(serverPackage)")
           self.responseDidReceived?(false, serverPackage, nil)


       // MARK: UI Methods
       public func setStatusViewText(_ text: String) {
           print("[CVC] setStatusViewText | text: \(text)")

           DispatchQueue.main.async {

       private func setModeCapturing() {
           print("[CVC] setModeCapturing")

       public func setModeNotCapturing(cancel: Bool = false) {
           print("[CVC] setModeNotCapturing | cancel: \(cancel)")
           DispatchQueue.main.async {

       private func alertModalDialog(title: String, message: String) {
           print("[CVC] alertModalDialog | title: \(title), message: \(message)")

           DispatchQueue.main.async {
               let alert = UIAlertController(title: title, message: message, preferredStyle: .alert)
               let reTryAction = UIAlertAction(title: NSLocalizedString("Retry", comment: "Default action"), style: .default) { (action: UIAlertAction) -> Void in
               let cancelAction = UIAlertAction(title: NSLocalizedString("Stop", comment: "Default action"), style: .cancel) { (action: UIAlertAction) -> Void in
                   self.returnToMainViewController(message: message)
               self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil)

       private func reportLivenessResult(_ score: Int) {
           print("[CVC] reportLivenessResult | score: \(score)")
           self.alertModalDialog(title: Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: "VOICE TITLE", value: "VoiceLiveness", table: "Localizable"), message: "Liveness score: \(score)")

       private func reportCaptureFailed(reason: String) {
           print("[CVC] reportCaptureFailed | reason: \(reason)")
           self.alertModalDialog(title: Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: "VOICE CAPTURE FAILED", value: "Voice Capture Failed", table: "Localizable"), message: reason)

       private func reportCaptureError(message: String) {
           print("[CVC] reportCaptureError | message: \(message)")
           self.alertModalDialog(title: Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: "VOICE CAPTURE ERROR", value: "Voice Capture Error", table: "Localizable"), message: getErrorDescription(message))

       // MARK: Misc Methods
       private func returnToMainViewController(message: String) {
           print("[CVC] returnToMainViewController")
           DispatchQueue.main.async {
               self.dismiss(animated: true) {
                   self.responseDidReceived?(true, nil, message)

       private func getErrorDescription(_ error: String) -> String {
           print("[CVC] getErrorDescription | error: \(error)")
           switch error {
               case "AW_VOICE_CAPTURE_E_NO_ERRORS":
                   return "No errors or warnings."
               case "AW_VOICE_CAPTURE_E_INTERNAL_ERROR":
                   return "An internal error occurred."
                   return "The Voice Liveness object was NULL."
                   return "The trial expiration has passed."
               case "AW_VOICE_CAPTURE_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY":
                   return "The library failed to allocate memory."
                   return "Could not initialize the Voice Liveness library or a required component."
                   return "The given pointer does not reference a valid workflow."
                   return "No workflow exists with the given name."
               case "AW_VOICE_CAPTURE_E_WORKFLOW_IN_USE":
                   return "Workflow cannot be modified while capture is in progress."
                   return "The specified property does not exist."
                   return "The specified value is the wrong type for the specified property."
                   return "The specified value is not valid for the specified property."
                   return "Minimum recording length must be at least 1 second."
                   return "The requested microphone was not found on the system."
                   return "Please specify a capture timeout that is at least " + (VoiceCapture.CAPTURETIMEOUTOFFSET + 0.1).description + " seconds larger than the minimum recording time."
                   return "An existing capture session is already in progress."
                   return "The last capture session for the specified Workflow was aborted."
               case "AW_VOICE_CAPTURE_E_UNKNOWN_ERROR":
                   return "An unknown error has occurred."
                   return error

   extension VoiceLivenessAppUIClientServerViewController {

       public func setVoicePhrase(voicePhraseInput: String) {
           voicePhrase = voicePhraseInput

       @objc func updateInstructionTimer() {
           self.instructionTimerCount -= 1
           print("instruction timer: \(self.instructionTimerCount)")
           if (self.instructionTimerCount <= 0){
               if (self.isCapturing == false) {

       // handle stopBtn
       @IBAction func handleStopBtn(_ sender: UIButton) {
           self.setModeNotCapturing(cancel: true)


       // UI settings
       func initUI(){
           if (enrollMode){
               // only enroll need recording 3 times.
           }else {
           if (staticMode){
               phraseText = Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: "VERIFY", value: "Hello, please verify my identity", table: "Localizable")
               voiceTitle = Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: "SPEAK", value: "Speak your passphrase", table: "Localizable")
               voicePhraseLabel.text = Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: "VERIFY", value: "Hello, please verify my identity", table: "Localizable")
               if let voicePhrase = self.voicePhrase {
                   phraseText = voicePhrase
                   voicePhraseLabel.text = "\"" + voicePhrase + "\""
                   phraseText = "zero one two three four five six seven eight nine"
                   voicePhraseLabel.text = createVoiceText(size: 5)

       func setFinishCycleProgress(completion: ((Bool) -> Void)?) {
           DispatchQueue.main.async {
               self.circleProgressView.animate(toAngle: 360, duration: 1, relativeDuration: true, completion: completion)

       func resetCircleProgress() {
           DispatchQueue.main.async {
               self.circleProgressView.startAngle = -90
               self.circleProgressView.clockwise = true


       //Runs the circle during voice capture with self explanatory labels
       func runTimer() {
           print("runTimer invoked.")
           DispatchQueue.main.async {
               if self.currentCount == 1  {
                   self.instructionsLabel.text = Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: "REPEAT 1", value: "Repeat the phrase again:", table: "Localizable")
                   self.circleProgressView.animate(fromAngle: 0, toAngle: 120, duration: 0.99, completion: nil)
                   self.timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.1, target: self, selector: (#selector(self.updateTimer)), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
               else if self.currentCount == 2 {
                   self.instructionsLabel.text = Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: "REPEAT 2", value: "Repeat the phrase one more time:", table: "Localizable")
                   self.circleProgressView.animate(fromAngle: 120, toAngle: 240, duration: 0.99, completion: nil)
                   self.timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.1, target: self, selector: (#selector(self.updateTimer)), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
               else if self.currentCount == 3 {
                   self.circleProgressView.animate(toAngle: 360, duration: 0.99, relativeDuration: true, completion: nil)
                   self.instructionsLabel.text = Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: "DONE", value: "Done!", table: "Localizable")
                   self.timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.1, target: self, selector: (#selector(self.updateTimer)), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
               self.currentCount += 1

       @objc func updateTimer() {
           self.timerCounter! -= 0.1
           if (self.timerCounter! < 0){
               timerCounter = voiceRecordTimeConstant

       private func createVoiceText(size: Int8) ->String {
           return " "

       public func setEnrollMode(enrollMode mode: Bool){
           enrollMode = mode

       public func setStaticMode(staticMode mode: Bool){
           staticMode = mode

       func startRecording(){
           self.isCapturing = true

       func finishRecording(){
           if (self.voiceCapture == nil) {
           print("finishRecording invoked")
           self.isCapturing = false

       public func circleColorGreen() {
           DispatchQueue.main.async {
               self.circleProgressView.set(colors: .green)
               if let enrollSpeaker = self.enrollSpeaker.image {
                   let colorlessSpeaker = enrollSpeaker.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
                   self.enrollSpeaker.image = colorlessSpeaker
                   self.enrollSpeaker.tintColor = .green
               self.enrollStatusLabel.isHidden = false
               self.enrollStatusLabel.text = Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: "VOICE SUCCESS", value: "Voice Enrollment Success", table: "Localizable")

       public func circleColorRed() {
           DispatchQueue.main.async {
               self.circleProgressView.set(colors: .red)
               if let enrollSpeaker = self.enrollSpeaker.image {
                   let colorlessSpeaker = enrollSpeaker.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
                   self.enrollSpeaker.image = colorlessSpeaker
                   self.enrollSpeaker.tintColor = .red
               self.enrollStatusLabel.isHidden = false
               self.enrollStatusLabel.text = Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: "VOICE FAILED", value: "Voice Enrollment Failed", table: "Localizable")

       public func authSpeakerGreen() {
           DispatchQueue.main.async {
               if let mic = self.micIcon.image {

               let colorlessMic = mic.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
                   self.micIcon.image = colorlessMic
                   self.micIcon.tintColor = .green
               self.statusLabel.isHidden = false
               self.statusLabel.text = Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: "VOICE AUTH SUCCESS", value: "Voice Authentication Success", table: "Localizable")

       public func authSpeakerRed() {
           DispatchQueue.main.sync {
           if let mic = micIcon.image {
               let colorlessMic = mic.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
               micIcon.image = colorlessMic
               micIcon.tintColor = .red
               self.statusLabel.isHidden = false
               self.statusLabel.text = Bundle.main.localizedString(forKey: "VOICE AUTH FAILED", value: "Voice Authentication Failed", table: "Localizable")

       public func authClear() {
           self.statusLabel.isHidden = true
       func showHourglass(message: String) -> Void {
           DispatchQueue.main.async {
               LoadingOverlay.showHourglass(view: self.view, message: message)

       func hideHourglass() -> Void {
           DispatchQueue.main.async {

Enrollment Process Initiated from Client

This section provides details regarding Enrollment Process Initiated from Client.

Base URL

To perform a successful enroll using the Voice SDK and AwareID there are two possible workflows. The first workflow is the most flexible and involves initiating the enrollment from the client. The second workflow option involves the use of a secondary application to initiate the enrollment and generate a QR code encoded with the session token necessary to proceed with the enrollment process. The QR code is scanned from the client application and then proceeds with enrollment using the data encoded in the QR code.

To enroll by initiating from the client we have to follow 4 steps. These steps include:

  1. Retrieve an access token. This token allows communication between the client application and the AwareID servers.
  2. Initiate an enrollment.
  3. Add device
  4. Enroll voice

Enrollment Initiated from Client Step 1 - Get Access Token

Our first step is to retrieve an “access_token”. This token will be used in our next api call to retrieve an enrollment token to proceed with enrollment.

Get Access Token

   Content-Type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',

   "client_id": client_id
   "client_secret": client_secret
   "scope": openid
   "grant_type" : client_credentials


   This is the only call whose content type of this call is “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”

Response - openid-connect

Response - openid-connect

       "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJCY2IxNXZJQkZsY2JYazVmQUdJZFZXV2pTUEtTaWpsazNydmFwMHp0ekN3In0.eyJleHAiOjE2NzM5OTExMjksImlhdCI6MTY3Mzk5MDgyOSwianRpIjoiN2MzYmY1MmItNjdlMC00ODNlLWFhZjAtYjlkNWJhODE3ZWJiIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9hd2FyZWlkLWRldi5hd2FyZS1hcGlzLmNvbS9hdXRoL3JlYWxtcy9hbmRyYWUtY29uc3VtZXJzIiwic3ViIjoiOTU3ZWMyYmYtZTczOS00YjFjLWEyN2QtMTczMjQzMDIyYTE5IiwidHlwIjoiQmVhcmVyIiwiYXpwIjoiYmltYWFzLWIyYyIsImFjciI6IjEiLCJzY29wZSI6Im9wZW5pZCIsImNsaWVudElkIjoiYmltYWFzLWIyYyIsImNsaWVudEhvc3QiOiIzOC4xNDAuNTkuMjI2IiwiY2xpZW50QWRkcmVzcyI6IjM4LjE0MC41OS4yMjYifQ.OzggQ--Gl4w3NWZPg1BukkEg0fmsSyGgN-ag8eW0FARWl0Ic5fkrnrEdnIgsq5Molq0R52oe4Hy-8Tp4cOn9iCD51kPCPfTt15zVBIAYOvb5M5XZ0uPTygh02KjuFqsxIhbhH8CCUjHkpu3OhoWByc8bC8c9D_cFp3BFE-XIhNPaPxXdTLZOcJOqpdSVxsgxB66-xukI7AA8PWt10huO47l6TSBSnJIjUxNbEqR48ILfnkYY2bmyfoo-laKDv9XSSZ8hXU9sDkiGfpXOl112_f3L1sc6n1-UbRTJGFMd4fgntuanwEvN68TsyS5pz0izGlW-1T3fFJ3D2pGPefsWNA",
       "expires_in": 300,
       "refresh_expires_in": 0,
       "token_type": "Bearer",
       "id_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJCY2IxNXZJQkZsY2JYazVmQUdJZFZXV2pTUEtTaWpsazNydmFwMHp0ekN3In0.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.MOgJ3giF0ikQnUAOBgK6eHpC0Tz3pCjhTX4IjHSjh3kzxx0KCLiWd494Fl3JSHiyvnNP7Ty1SXl4Bhq19f7y_lpGp4yLkbV9I1xsfC7m2D-EIf73D1LEluf1y97ISbh8668VqnGRG8U1FtXuwQGPZb7cgMiTbprECwLFj44_vM2qmLxFpOkOuVaqPmpgjt6MAmUbcWV8GDMAdxVnlZDZuzFkwOlb6S_WypNSYKHA6TFIe_FsA2EoxMu_9MAP3OLX7LIwX3jYIsT4z-TnUmyKC5RFzx6oc9D9Fr2eSTRBxC6QKGJrFAPt40p9_U3YFFi6VpzaGK9YQvCvdw70CVBe5Q",
       "not-before-policy": 0,
       "scope": "openid"

Enrollment Initiated from Client Step 2 - Initiate An Enrollment

With the method type we start onboarding with accessToken, sessionToken, apikey

Initiate An Enrollment

   POST /enroll
   Authorization: 'Bearer AccessToken'
   apikey: 'apikey'

       "username":  "username",
       "firstName": "first name", //optional
       "lastName": "last name" //optional
       "email": "user email",
       "phoneNumber": "user phonenumber"

Response - Initiate An Enrollment

Response - Initiate An Enrollment

       "enrollmentToken": "enrollmentToken",
       "userExistsAlready": false,
       "requiredChecks": [

Enrollment Initiated from Client Step 3 - Add Device

The device ID is checked when performing an authentication to confirm the device enrolled is the same as the current device attempting the authentication.

Device Id

   This can be retrieved in iOS by using the following code
   var deviceId = UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor?.uuidString

Add Device

   POST /adddevice
   Authorization: 'Bearer AccessToken'
   apikey: 'apikey'

       "enrollmentToken": "enrollmentToken",
       "deviceId": "deviceID"

Response - Add Device

Response - Add Device

       "enrollmentStatus": 1,
       "registrationCode": ""

From here the response will include a registration code and enrollment status.

There are 3 enrollment statuses:

Enrollment Statuses

   0 = Enrollment Failed
   1 = Enrollment Pending
   2 = Enrollment Complete

Enrollment Initiated from Client Step 4 - Add voice sample and check if sample belongs to a live person.

The add voice API call requires the json package generated by the Voice SDK.

Add Voice Sample

   POST /addVoice
   Content-Type: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
   Authorization: 'Bearer AccessToken'

       "enrollmentToken": "{{enrollment_token}}",
       "livenessData": {
           "voice": {
               "voiceSamples": [
                       "data": {{LiveVoice}},
                       "Phrase": "\"Hello, Testing BIMaaS Application.\""
               "workflow": "alfa2",
               "meta_data": {
                   "client_device_brand": "Apple",
                   "client_device_model": "iPhone 8",
                   "client_os_version": "11.0.3",
                   "client_version": "KnomiSLive_v:2.4.1_b:0.0.0_sdk_v:2.4.1_b:0.0.0",
                   "localization": "en-US",
                   "programming_language_version": "Swift 4.1",
                   "username": "test"

Response - Add Voice Sample

The response from the enrollment call returns:

  • Liveness Result
    • This is a boolean value.
    • returns true if the sample is assessed to be a live sample
    • returns false is the sample is assessed to not be live
  • Enrollment Status
    • 0 = failed
    • 1 = pending
    • 2 = success
  • Registration Code
    • this code is used in the re-enrollment process
  • Liveness Result
    • Broken down into several fields giving feedback on the liveness score

Liveness Result

       "livenessResult": true,
       "enrollmentStatus": 2,
       "registrationCode": "LLXL2N",
       "livenessResults": {
           "voice": {
               "liveness_result": {
                   "decision": "LIVE",
                   "feedback": [],
                   "score_frr": 1.1757098732441127

Enrollment Process Initiated Through QR Code

To enroll by initiating through a QR code scan we first have to take in the enrollment details like first name, last name, email address and phone number and make a REST call to generate the QR code from a secondary application. In our demo we use a web app for this process.

Generate QR Code

Web Portal

To start an enrollment using the QR code method we must first generate the QR code to be consumed by the client application (in our example we use a web app). This web application uses a UI to allow an end user to register using a username and email address. Then uses these pieces of information in the API Call for /triggerEnroll.

Base URL

Trigger Enroll

We initiate an enrollment by calling the /triggerEnroll endpoint with our received access token

  • username - required
  • email - required
  • notifyOptions - optional

Trigger Enroll

   Content-Type: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',

   { "username": "[email protected]",
       "email": "[email protected]",
       "notifyOptions": {
           "notifyByEmail": false

Response - Trigger Enroll

       status : "SUCCESS"
       sessionCallbackURL : ""
       qrcodeImage : "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"
       sessionToken : "aa73e547-0f1b-4235-a7b0-dd52fa4ab774"
       errorSummary : null

Our response for trigger enroll includes five pieces of information with the most relevant piece being the base64 encoded string of the QR that is used to be displayed to the user to continue the enrollment on their device.

With our QR code generated in our web application, we then have to proceed with scanning the QR code and completing the enrollment. The following steps apply to enrolling a user from the client side application using a QR code. These steps include:

  1. Scan QR code and decrypt data.
  2. Initiate an enrollment.
  3. Add device
  4. Enroll voice

The QR Code will return a url with an encrypted data parameter named “data”.

This data has to be decrypted using the available public key. Once decoded 3 pieces of information are provided separated by “&”.

  1. Host url: This URL is where all subsequent api calls will be made through
  1. The API Key
  • This API Key is used in the header of api calls
  • The key value pair in the header is as follows: “apikey”:API_Key

3. Session Token: The session token is used to validate the session.

Enrollment Using QR Code Step 1 - Validate Session Token

The first api call necessary to enroll a user is /tokenVerify/validateSession.

Validate Session

   POST /tokenVerify/validateSession
   "Content-Type": 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
   "apikey": apiKey



   This is the only call whose content type of this call is “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”

Response - Validate Session Token

Response - Validate Session Token

       "accessToken": "accessToken",
       "methodType": "enroll",
       "customerName": "customerName",
       "customerLogo": "",
       "userName": "customerUsername",
       "email": "customerEmail"

Enrollment Using QR Code Step 2 - Initiate An Enrollment

With the method type we start onboarding with accessToken, session token, apikey

Initiate An Enrollment

   POST /enroll
   Authorization: 'Bearer AccessToken'
   apikey: 'apikey'

       "username":  "username",
       "firstName": "first name", //optional
       "lastName": "last name" //optional
       "email": "user email",
       "phoneNumber": "user phonenumber"

Response - Initiate An Enrollment

Response - Initiate An Enrollment

       "enrollmentToken": "enrollmentToken",
       "userExistsAlready": false,
       "requiredChecks": [

Enrollment Using QR Code Step 3 - Add Device

The device ID is checked when performing authentication to confirm the device enrolled is the same as the device attempting.

Device Id

   This can be retrieved in iOS by using the following code
   let deviceId = UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor?.uuidString

Add Device

   POST /adddevice
   Authorization: 'Bearer AccessToken'
   apikey: 'apikey'

       "enrollmentToken": "enrollmentToken",
       "deviceId": "deviceID"

Response - Add Device

Response - Add Device

       "enrollmentStatus": 1,
       "registrationCode": ""

From here the response will include a registration code and enrollment status.

There are 3 enrollment statuses:

Enrollment Statuses

   0 = Enrollment Failed
   1 = Enrollment Pending
   2 = Enrollment Complete

Enrollment Using QR Code Step 4 - Add voice sample and check if sample belongs to a live person.

The add voice API call requires the json package generated by the Voice SDK.

Add Voice Sample

   POST /addVoice
   Content-Type: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
   Authorization: 'Bearer AccessToken'

       "enrollmentToken": "{{enrollment_token}}",
       "livenessData": {
           "voice": {
               "voiceSamples": [
                       "data": {{LiveVoice}},
                       "Phrase": "\"Hello, Testing BIMaaS Application.\""
               "workflow": "alfa2",
               "meta_data": {
                   "client_device_brand": "Apple",
                   "client_device_model": "iPhone 8",
                   "client_os_version": "11.0.3",
                   "client_version": "KnomiSLive_v:2.4.1_b:0.0.0_sdk_v:2.4.1_b:0.0.0",
                   "localization": "en-US",
                   "programming_language_version": "Swift 4.1",
                   "username": "test"

Response - Add Voice Sample

The response from the enrollment call returns:

  • Liveness Result
    • This is a boolean value.
    • returns true if the sample is assessed to be a live sample
    • returns false is the sample is assessed to not be live
  • Enrollment Status
    • 0 = failed
    • 1 = pending
    • 2 = success
  • Registration Code
    • this code is used in the re-enrollment process
  • Liveness Result
    • Broken down into several fields giving feedback on the liveness score

Liveness Result

       "livenessResult": true,
       "enrollmentStatus": 2,
       "registrationCode": "LLXL2N",
       "livenessResults": {
           "voice": {
               "liveness_result": {
                   "decision": "LIVE",
                   "feedback": [],
                   "score_frr": 1.1757098732441127

Authentication Workflow

Like the enrollment process we can also complete an authentication in two variations. The first is initiating the authentication from the client side and the second involves using a QR code scan to initiate the authencation process and using the client application to complete it. Below we explain how to achieve both options beginning with the Client Initiated Authentication

Client Initiated Authentication

A client initiated authentication is performed in 3 steps:

  1. Initiate authentication
  2. Verify device
  3. Verify voice

Base URL

Base URL

Authentication Initiated from Client Step 1 - Initiate Authentication

Initiate Authentication

   POST /onboarding/authentication/authenticate
   Authorization: 'Bearer AccessToken'
   apikey: 'apikey'

       "registrationCode": "registrationToken",
       "deviceId": "deviceID"

Response - Initiate Authentication

Response - Initiate Authentication

       "authToken": "b8bf6f22-6f93-4bcb-a5b6-871b689c6750",
       "requiredChecks": [

Authentication Initiated from Client Step 2 - Verify Device

Verify Device

   POST /onboarding/authentication/verifyDevice
   Authorization: 'Bearer AccessToken'
   apikey: 'apikey'

       "authToken": "authToken",
       "signature": "signature",
       "deviceId": "deviceID"

Response - Verify Device

Response - Verify Device

       "message": "Device verified.",
       "authStatus": 1

Authentication Initiated from Client Step 3 - Verify Voice

Verify Voice

   POST /onboarding/authentication/verifyVoice
       "authToken": "auth_token",
       "livenessData": {
           "voice": {
               "voiceSamples": [
                       "data": "base64 voice sample package from SDK",
                       "Phrase": "\"Hello, Testing BIMaaS Application.\""
               "workflow": "alfa2",
               "meta_data": {
                   "client_device_brand": "Apple",
                   "client_device_model": "iPhone 8",
                   "client_os_version": "11.0.3",
                   "client_version": "KnomiSLive_v:2.4.1_b:0.0.0_sdk_v:2.4.1_b:0.0.0",
                   "localization": "en-US",
                   "programming_language_version": "Swift 4.1",
                   "username": "test"

Response - Verify Voice

Response - Verify Voice

     "livenessResult": true,
     "matchResult": true,
     "matchScore": 100,
     "authStatus": "2 (Complete)",
     "voiceLivenessResults": ""

Authentication Using QR Code

To authenticate by inititating through a QR code scan we first have to take in the authenticate details like first name, last name, email address and phone number and make a call to generate the QR code from a secondary application. In our demo we use a web app for this process.

Generate QR Code

Web Portal

To start an authentication using the QR code method we must first generate the QR code to be consumed by the client application (in our example we use a web app). This web application uses a UI to allow an enduser to register using a username and email address. Then uses these pieces of information in the API Call for /triggerAuthenticate .

Base URL

Trigger Authenticate

We initiate an authenticate by calling the /triggerAuthenticate endpoint.

  • username - required
  • notifyOptions - optional

Trigger Authenticate

   POST baseUrl + /b2c/proxy/triggerAuthenticate
   Content-Type: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',

   { "username": "[email protected]",
       "notifyOptions": {
           "notifyByPush": true

Response - Trigger Authenticate

       status : "SUCCESS"
       sessionCallbackURL : ""
       qrcodeImage : "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"
       sessionToken : "aa73e547-0f1b-4235-a7b0-dd52fa4ab774"
       errorSummary : null

Our response for trigger authenticate includes five pieces of information with the most relevant piece being the base64 encoded string of the QR that is used to be displayed to the user to continue the authentication on their device.

With our QR code generated in our web application we then have to proceed with scanning the QR code and completing the authentication. The authentication workflow involves 4 steps:

  1. Scan QR code and decrypt data.
  2. Initiate authentication
  3. Verify device
  4. Verify voice

The QR Code will return a url with an encrypted data parameter named “data”.

This data has to be decrypted using the available public key. Once decoded 3 pieces of information are provided separated by “&”.

  1. Host url
  • This URL is where all subsequent api calls will be made through
  1. The API Key
  • This API Key is used in the header of api calls
  • The key value pair in the header is as follows:


  1. Session Token
  • The session token is used to validate the session.

Authentication Using QR Code Step 1 - Validate Session Token

The first api call necessary to authenticate a user is /tokenVerify/validateSession.

Validate Session

   POST /tokenVerify/validateSession
   "Content-Type": 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
   "apikey": apiKey



   This is the only call whose content type of this call is “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”

Response - Validate Session Token

Response - Validate Session Token

       "accessToken": "accessToken",
       "methodType": "authenticate",
       "customerName": "customerName",
       "customerLogo": "",
       "userName": "customerUsername",
       "email": "customerEmail"

Authentication Using QR Code Step 2 - Initiate Authentication

Initiate Authentication

   POST /authenticate
   Authorization: 'Bearer AccessToken'
   apikey: 'apikey'

       "registrationCode": "registrationToken",
       "deviceId": "deviceID"

Response - Initiate Authentication

Response - Initiate Authentication

       "authToken": "b8bf6f22-6f93-4bcb-a5b6-871b689c6750",
       "requiredChecks": [

Authentication Using QR Code Step 3 - Verify Device

Verify Device

   POST /onboarding/authentication/verifyDevice
   Authorization: 'Bearer AccessToken'
   apikey: 'apikey'

       "authToken": "authToken",
       "signature": "signature",
       "deviceId": "deviceID"

Response - Verify Device

Response - Verify Device

       "message": "Device verified.",
       "authStatus": 1

Authentication Using QR Code Step 4 - Verify Voice

Verify Voice

   POST /onboarding/authentication/verifyVoice
       "authToken": "auth_token",
       "livenessData": {
           "voice": {
               "voiceSamples": [
                       "data": "base64 voice sample package from SDK",
                       "Phrase": "\"Hello, Testing BIMaaS Application.\""
               "workflow": "alfa2",
               "meta_data": {
                   "client_device_brand": "Apple",
                   "client_device_model": "iPhone 8",
                   "client_os_version": "11.0.3",
                   "client_version": "KnomiSLive_v:2.4.1_b:0.0.0_sdk_v:2.4.1_b:0.0.0",
                   "localization": "en-US",
                   "programming_language_version": "Swift 4.1",
                   "username": "test"

Response - Verify Voice

Response - Verify Voice

     "livenessResult": true,
     "matchResult": true,
     "matchScore": 100,
     "authStatus": "2 (Complete)",
     "voiceLivenessResults": ""

Software Acknowledgments

Aware VoiceCaptureAwareId libraries incorporate third-party software. See the LICENSE file installed with the FaceCaptureAwareId software for the full license agreement.